Tag Archives: classical guitar

Virtuouso & Delicioso

Virtuouso & Delicioso

He was young, a virtuoso, been playing only about eight years, his nimble knife-like fingers jetted out pieces written for Segovia. I told my friend, wait twenty years, he’ll have passion then! I must say there is more to music than being technically correct. 

The same seems to be true for any art form, as you know I have previously discussed on numerous occasions. So folks, I suppose that confirms what I have been talking about! You gotta have soul in what you do.

classical guitarIt was last night when I went to a classical guitar concert with a friend. When she remarked, “I think I am in way over my head.” I knew we wouldn’t be staying long. Although the player was very good, he spent half of his time adjusting his shirt cuffs, cuff links and jacket sleeves.


So we left the poorly-lit concert, which without amplification was barely audible, at intermission. An unheard of practice for me. Our next stop was a recommended dessert place. Anticipation for the mouthwatering treats in the showcase, eased our wait for the table. Finally seated in comfortable chairs, we drooled over the menu, finally deciding to share one dessert.

NectarWell, this is it folks-all twelve dollars worth!!! White cheesecake, lavender shortbread and buttermilk ice cream which left us wanting more. The plate had barely been set down when my friend remarked, “Oh this is ridiculous.” The size of this dessert was less than believable. I laughed, as she is normally not a huge dessert person, and is always known to take the smallest slice.

And if it was absurd to her, you know it had to be so. The staff was full of pomp, strutting like fine peacocks while they doled out all that delicioso stuff. But sadly, I have to say, that will be my last visit to that land of red velvet cakes, cappuccinos and elderflower water.

jackfrost_smDespite what may have seemed like a flat evening, we had quite a few laughs.

None of this really dampened our spirits while we enjoyed the surreality of the atmosphere.

Sunday morning I awoke to Jack Frost’s etchings on my window, with the promise of a Chinook on the horizon.
After being up two hours, yesterday I went back for a nap which lasted all afternoon. It may be my brain is starved of glucose.
Sadly my plans to paint, went out the window, by my laying down and sleeping the day away. Sometimes rest is just the most important thing. Everyday is a fresh start.