A Thousand Shades of Green
Summer is almost here, surrounding us with textures of blooms, leaves, branches and a thousand shades of green. Time is moving frantically forward. Trying to find a moment to catch my breath.
I am learning so much at my job as a multimedia artist. Creating beauty, and beautiful environments for people seems like a noble pursuit, in these times.
Perhaps it is the new renaissance, which by the way is sadly overdue.
All of what I am doing at this job, is crucial to my development as an artist. The physical demands are toning muscles in my body I did not remember having.
Still recovering from the concert, which went well. Although it wasn’t a money maker, the process was invaluable, and certainly a worthwhile pursuit.
Here is an action shot of the concert. I am happy to say we spent the day after the concert at the spa in Banff soaking up the mineral waters. Our visitors from the UK had a chance to see the Rockies for the first time. I think they enjoyed their visit as much as we enjoyed hosting them.
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” ~Kahlil Gibran