Spring is sure to be close by. I spotted a flock of bluebirds this week while out on a walk.
Amazing how such tiny creatures can stay warm, upon their early arrival. What a dimension their azure color adds to the bland landscape which we have grown so weary of. This is the first time I have seen bluebirds.
Mythology and symbolism about the bluebird is ancient, transcending many cultures, its associations positive.
Bluebird said to me,
Get up, my grandchild.
It is dawn, it said to me.
~Navajo Bluebird Song
The Navajo bluebird song honors the rising sun, and the belief the bluebird is a great spirit in animal form. The bluebirds presence was a welcome surprise, like a special gift which unwrapped itself. I sat quietly astonished, revering my good fortune. The very best things come when you least expect a treasure to appear. Some say selfless seeking, without reward gives one the bluebird of happiness.
Slow melts, buds are encased in their ice cocoons. Icicles form a lattice work, thinning out as they grow in length, water rolling off the tips, the wet snow below their destination.
Large ones eventually drop to the ground, sometimes in the middle of the night with a crash, announcing spring’s warmer days and the return of the sun.
You may remember the little canvas that wanted to be a landscape. Well here is the finished product Johnson Lake Acrylic/Canvas 10 X 20.
Since the art show I have been recharging my batteries. Now regrouping, my focus is on creating a vision for the next phase. Ideas for a series are mulling about, although they may not manifest immediately. Other paintings I have intentions for, will begin while I am work on ideas for the new series. Rehearsals are underway, preparing music for the musical duo.
The challenge, in whatever we are doing is to keep our vitality, raise the energy vibration, even when performing the not so popular tasks.
If one can accomplish that, then we will truly soar, like the bluebird over the rainbow. Wishing you all the wondrous blessings of the bluebird.