December’s Song
December’s song, short bright days & crunchy snow your long nights stir quiet restlessness. Window lights from the flickering hearth spur drafty pauses and hushed voices. Time stands still. We anticipate the return of the light as darkness envelops us.
Well, that was December 2022, never to be seen again. Living day to day, I feel myself gradually shifting. I do not make resolutions, but I try to rid myself of what is no longer serving me to make room for the new.
Peeling back the layers is a gradual process that differs for each person. By process of elimination, I can create some focus. I form a master plan in the back of my mind while discarding the excess, but open myself to the flow that is the creative life force.
From focus comes clarity. I now spend less time talking, as it dilutes my energy. I am working through things independently because I am too tired to do anything about it when I explain it all to a listening ear. Besides, I always find myself alone when all the big stuff goes down. That should be a hint right there. It takes so long to become who we really truly are.
It is time to prune the tree and prepare for new growth. I want to see new things and fill my well. A car does not run without fuel, and I need to reset.
2023 will be a 7-year in numerology. This article by Christine DeLorey sums up what I am feeling at this moment. For me, it’s the completion of a cycle, as 2022 comes to a close, and 2023 will be a new beginning. I feel that, but I am not entirely sure what it is going to look like yet.
Wishing you the very best for the coming year. May we all prosper.