Long weekend coming up this weekend in Canada. Thanksgiving is almost here, or as I like to call it gratitude weekend.
I am grateful for the chance to go to Radium Hot Springs this weekend. Sharing in good company and turkey. Immersing ourselves in nature and the mineral springs.
We had strong winds here this past few days, so strong in fact it tore my gate off the hinges. That gate must weigh about one hundred pounds! Yes the winds of change are in the air. Feel the bite of the chill, then welcome and assimilate it.
A thin coating of ice has settled on the bird bath. I discovered this morning a couple of hungry robins. So in the course of my errands I acquired some peanut butter suet with hanging cage and a seed bell to accommodate the slightly larger birds like the robins.
Receive all that blows in and out of your life. This energy exchange is crucial for the vitality of life.
And one must stay aligned and know their own inner truth.
The most important thing one can do at this moment is not to buy into the fear that is being promoted. Keep your own energy centered, circulating and raise your vibration.
Remember you have always had everything you needed. The universe will provide. Be grateful. Afford yourself simple comforts and pleasures. My heart is full as I acknowledge the many blessings I have received into my life. My wish for you is that you have all you have ever wanted and more.
Remember we are so much more than we once thought we were. Many blessings to all.