Summer Mural Painting Complete
I trust you have had an amazing summer. Summer mural painting is how I spent my time. I am happy when I paint on walls. Our weather has been so pleasant and the garden has flourished. I have walked in various parks around the city and going to Outdoor Yoga on Sundays. When I am walking it is always with a camera in hand. My life is a photo-walk.
With the decrease in music students over the summer, I need to fill my days with something more. I had put several bids in for local murals, but summer mural painting got off to a slow start. Then I had two murals which I have been busy with this over the past month.
I actually had to turn one project down, because everyone wanted on them all at the same time. Unfortunately I was unable to meet the deadline for a large mural call, however I understand there will be another opportunity at a later date.
This is the most recent summer mural painting I completed.
I painted this mural for The Prep Program, a preschool program for children with Down syndrome. The mural has 3 components, a tree, a garden and a patch of sunflowers.
Client Feedback
The amazing review they gave was touching: “We are all so impressed with the tree and garden. We absolutely love it! It’s warm, bright, inviting, calming and beautiful. We couldn’t have asked for anything better. We really appreciate your work and the kids will too!“ It is wonderful when people appreciate what you do.
Before that, I completed this exterior mural for a church in Killarney, the neighborhood I used to live in. I was up 20 feet on scaffolding to do this, with a safety harness of course. This was a large undertaking from one person, not the design itself, but the maneuvering to paint it. I am proud to have achieved it by myself.
The Mural Process
So many thoughts go through one’s mind while painting a mural. Murals are complex in their creation, from planning to creation.
First I decide upon the design through consulting with the client, then I scale it to transfer it to the surface. Once I finish the preliminary work then the fun painting part begins. The beginning stages are technical and accuracy is crucial.
Most times I will use a clear coat, sometimes for UVLS protection to prevent fading of the colours. In the case of exterior murals I often use an anti-graffiti coating. Though expensive, it is a great way to protect your investment as you can power wash off the unwanted tag.
They must look good from a distance as well as close up. This means most murals have a great amount of detail over a large surface, which is time-consuming, but necessary. You are paying for labour, materials and ingenuity.
Consider a Mural
Each mural is its own process and I always learn something new. Of course I am always looking forward to the next project. Take a look at some of the other murals I have painted here: Murals & Decorative/
Please contact me if you would like me to paint a mural for you.