Summer Plans
Why not plan a house concert this summer? Summer started early for us in Alberta and is in full swing. I am loving the lush green leaves and blue skies. Fragrant blooms abound.
The road ahead is uncertain, yet I keep my feet steady & my eye on the prize as I move forward into the unknown. I remind myself everything I need comes to me. So much of life consists of variables. I set intentions and try to stay in alignment to receive. Despite the plans we can make, we don’t always end up where we would expect to be.
That said, may new exciting possibilities are opening up. I am willing to venture into the unknown. Having led the gypsy life for much of my earlier years I became a homebody for a while. Once again, my feet are ready for some adventure. House Concerts are a venue I want to pursue in order to create my own niche. My summer plans include fitting in a few House Concert dates. It’s about connection and bringing your community together through music. Anyone can be a host.
What You Need To Be a House Concert Host
If you have ever wanted to do something that could draw your community closer together, house concerts are a great way to do just that. Invite twenty to thirty people, and bring a performer like me to you. You can include dinner, or wine & cheese, have a potluck after the performance if you wish.
You’ll get a stellar evening of entertainment in a casual environment. You will want a seat for everyone in the room. Folding chairs, benches whatever works. It is just a matter of rearranging the furniture to accommodate the guests. Outdoor is fine too with a backup plan in case of weather issues. If you can put me up while travelling outside of Calgary, that would be awesome.
You can expect some folk, pop, blues, jazz, standards and originals. I will sing & perform on piano & guitar, bring all the equipment I need which really doesn’t take up too much space. After the concert, as the host you will request donations to go to the performer. It’s not a set price so people can give what they wish.
I am working towards writing and recording my album. I just finished a Songwriter Course through Berklee College of Music and it has inspired me. For more information about my music:
Travel throughout Saskatchewan, Alberta & British Columbia is my focus currently. Contact me for further details if you would like to be a host! I am open to public venues along the way. Here are some images from a recent House Concert in Calgary, Alberta.