Tag Archives: golden light

Golden Light Flow

Golden LightGolden light seeps in, permeating the surroundings deeper and deeper.

Still no urgency to prepare for winter, in the current upswing of warm temperatures.

Formulating is the next step in my process of creating. Wonderful things are taking shape. No sense of when things will manifest just yet. I have a busy busy mind, so a great deal of still time through meditation is required. Staying grounded and reclaiming my energy is of utmost importance.

Dance Tree PaintingI am pleased to announce this painting has been sold! Congratulations to the new owners. The finished work was probably not posted here, at least I was unable to find it.

This was inspired by Emily Carr, painted right after seeing her show.


Ironically it is going to live in Victoria, where Emily Carr spent many of her years.

At the moment I have been clearing things out of my life which are no longer useful to me. I wish I could say that I am finished this part of the process but that is not the case. Still more to do.

In this way I am making myself ready for new things to come in. Creating that space now. It requires clearing all aspects physical, emotional, mental spiritual. Getting rid of what no longer fits. Opening up the flow.

So if my postings are not as frequent, you will know I am simply aligning myself and blogging without obligation!
