Tag Archives: health
Prevailing Flow
Spring This Year
As I write this the snow is gently falling ... oh can it be over soon? Spring is reluctant this year. Yet the birds bravely carry on, building nests and making preparations for their young.
Yes I am trying to be like the birds and … Continue Reading ››
Never A Dull Moment
Look at what has appeared just outside my bedroom window! This had to have been yesterday or today. I know for certain it wasn't there before that. I have a sneaking suspicion that this robin and her mate are the ones who were … Continue Reading ››
Rants & Such
Rants & Such
Cold nights bring out the brightness of stars, the dippers against a backdrop of velvet indigo. Fascination with galactic formations. Soft snow falling. Smoke trailing upwards from a nearby chimney. Midwinter melt brings a chilling to the bones. Uncertainty lingers … Continue Reading ››
Getting the Groove Back
Getting the Groove Back
My life has been a bit unmanageable these days, so I am struggling to regain my momentum, as well as trying to tie up loose ends. Health has been a challenge, so getting and staying healthy is a priority.My healing … Continue Reading ››