Several moons have come and gone and the non-existence of time has proved itself once more. Look at this beauty, almost full. My new camera captures a lot of detail and I am looking forward to getting out a bit more.
As I detach from the walls here, the surroundings shrink into tomorrow’s memories. Packing has begun, with the help of a friend. Next month at this time I will be in a new environment. I will be in a whole new neighbourhood, near the river, some shops, a bakery, cafe and grocer. Fresh surroundings will be good for me, and for my creativity.
All things change. Even my old soft leather jazz dance shoes have been transformed into Tai Chi shoes. Who knew they would be the perfect choice? The Taoist Tai Chi is helping to shift the physical energy. This practice is very good for someone who is regaining their health and I fall into that category.
I have stepped back from painting since my last show which has given me a chance to re-evaluate the process and to find an appreciation for the work my gifts and talents have produced.
In the meantime I practice observation while allowing the creative energy to build. I have been dabbling with my music here and there. Hoping to get set up for some recording so I can share my music with you soon. Watch for some new surprises sometime this spring.